By Jean-Michel Raicovitch, Director of the Cnam-MBA

End of Part Time promotion

July 11, 2014

This is an important phase of their MBA. The last few courses are always the opportunity to look back and assess how the MBA progression went.
But let’s come back to the recruitment phase. When we interview the candidates, we realize how the MBA is important for them: a real transformation is expected. For some students, it will be the opportunity to prepare the entrance to a management committee; For other students, they want to take a new start. No student has the same professional agenda. At the end of the courses, when starting the consulting project, students start to make an evaluation of their progression and they realize how intense the program was. They point out their improvement during different courses. The ones, who didn’t know marketing, have “opened the box” and the ones, who didn’t like finance before, are not always experts, but they pass the exam! They feel more confident, more mature and they are ready for their next move. I guess they did the job. Working beside them, the teachers and our administrative team also did a good job of supporting the transformation of our students! This is a rewarding part for us as well as for the students! Whish you good luck in your next professional experiences!